Computer Science Education

Übertragbarkeit singulärer MINT-Interesse-initiierender außerschulischer Maßnahmen

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 14:13
Leonhardt, T., Brauner, P., Siebert, J., Schroeder, U.: Übertragbarkeit singulärer MINT-Interesse-initiierender außerschulischer Maßnahmen. In: Thomas, M. (ed.) in INFOS 2011, 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, September 2011. pp. 127–136. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn (2011).

From Boring to Scoring – A Collaborative Serious Game for Learning and Practicing Mathematical Logic for Computer Science Education

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 13:31
Schäfer, A., Holz, J., Leonhardt, T., Schroeder, U., Brauner, P., Ziefle, M.: From Boring to Scoring – A Collaborative Serious Game for Learning and Practicing Mathematical Logic for Computer Science Education. Comput. Sci. Educ. 23, 87–111 (2013).

Preliminary Findings of a Gender and Diversity Screening at a Technical University: Impressions of the Project “IGaDtools4MINT”

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 13:24
Apel, R., Berg, T., Holz, J., Brauner, P., Schroeder, U., Leicht-Scholten, C.: Preliminary Findings of a Gender and Diversity Screening at a Technical University: Impressions of the Project “IGaDtools4MINT” In: Heiß, H.-U., Pepper, P., Schlingloff, H., and Schneider, J. (eds.) Proceedings Informatik 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities 04.-07. Oktober 2011. p. 369. Köllen, Gesellschaft für Informatik (2011).

Simulating LEGO Mindstorm Robots to Facilitate Teaching Computer Programming to School Students

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 13:05
Kammer, T., Brauner, P., Leonhardt, T., Schroeder, U.: Simulating LEGO Mindstorm Robots to Facilitate Teaching Computer Programming to School Students. In: Delgado Kloos, C. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2011), LNCS 6964. pp. 196–209. Springer Cham.

The Effect of Tangible Artifacts, Gender and Subjective Technical Competence on Teaching Programming to Seventh Graders

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 12:51
Brauner, P., Leonhardt, T., Ziefle, M., Schroeder, U.: The Effect of Tangible Artifacts, Gender and Subjective Technical Competence on Teaching Programming to Seventh Graders. In: Hromkovic, J., Královiè, R., and Vahrenhold, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools (ISSEP 2010), LNCS 5941. pp. 61–71. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Zurich, Switzerland (2010).

Podcastproduktion als kollaborativer Zugang zur theoretischen Informatik

Submitted by philipp on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 12:43
Ábrahám, E., Jansen, N., Loup, U., Brauner, P., Leonhardt, T., Schroeder, U.: Podcastproduktion als kollaborativer Zugang zur theoretischen Informatik. In: Schwill, A. and Apostolopoulos, N. (eds.) Lernen im digitalen Zeitalter - DeLFI 2010, die 8. E-Learning-Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. pp. 239–251. GI (2010).

Konzeption, Entwicklung und Analyse eines greifbaren Turtles in Hinblick auf die Steigerung der Computerselbstwirksamkeit von Schülerinnen und Schülern

Submitted by philipp on Sun, 08/16/2020 - 11:35
Brauner, P.: Konzeption, Entwicklung und Analyse eines greifbaren Turtles in Hinblick auf die Steigerung der Computerselbstwirksamkeit von Schülerinnen und Schülern, Diplomarbeit, RWTH Aachen (2009).

Gender Influences On School Students’ Mental Models of Computer Science — A Quantitative Rich Picture Analysis with Sixth Graders

Submitted by philipp on Wed, 04/04/2018 - 18:23
Brauner, P., Leonhardt, T., Schroeder, U., Ziefle, M., Bergner, N., Ziegler, B.: Gender Influences On School Students’ Mental Models of Computer Science – A Quantitative Rich Picture Analysis with Sixth Graders. In: GenderIT ’18 Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Gender & IT. pp. 113–122. ACM New York, NY, USA (2018).