Trust in Automation

How Correct and Defect Decision Support Systems Influence Trust, Compliance, and Performance in Supply Chain and Quality Management – A Behavioral Study Using Business Simulation Games

Submitted by philipp on Sat, 08/22/2020 - 18:14
Brauner, P., Calero Valdez, A., Philipsen, R., Ziefle, M.: How Correct and Defect Decision Support Systems Influence Trust, Compliance, and Performance in Supply Chain and Quality Management – A Behavioral Study Using Business Simulation Games. In: Nah, F. and Tan, C. (eds.) HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations (HCIGO), HCI International 2017. pp. 333–348. Springer, Cham (2017).

A Research Framework for Human Aspects in the Internet of Production – An Intra-company Perspective

Submitted by philipp on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 15:19
Brauner, P., Brillowski, F., Dammers, H., Königs, P., Kordtomeikel, F., Petruck, H., Schaar, A.K., Schmitz, S., Steuer-Dankert, L., Mertens, A., Gries, T., Leicht-Scholten, C., Nagel, S., Nitsch, V., Schuh, G., Ziefle, M.: A Research Framework for Human Aspects in the Internet of Production – An Intra-company Perspective. Adv. Intell. Syst. Comput. 1216 AISC, 3–17 (2020).

Defective Still Deflective – How Correctness of Decision Support Systems Influences User’s Performance in Production Environments

Submitted by philipp on Wed, 08/19/2020 - 10:30
Brauner, P., Calero Valdez, A., Philipsen, R., Ziefle, M.: Defective Still Deflective – How Correctness of Decision Support Systems Influences User’s Performance in Production Environments. In: Nah, F.F.-H. and Tan, C.-H. (eds.) HCI in Business, Government, and Organizations (HCIGO), Held as Part of HCI International 2016. pp. 16–27. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 (2016).

The Interaction of Causal Attribution of Performance and Compliance with Decision Support Systems in Cyber-Physical Production Systems - An Empirical Study Using a Business Simulation Game

Submitted by philipp on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 10:27
Brauner, P., Philipsen, R., Calero Valdez, A., Ziefle, M.: The Interaction of Causal Attribution of Performance and Compliance with Decision Support Systems in Cyber-Physical Production Systems - An Empirical Study Using a Business Simulation Game. Springer International Publishing (2018).

Why Consider the Human-in-the-loop in Automated Cyber-physical Production Systems? Two Cases from Cross-company Cooperation

Submitted by philipp on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 10:06
Brauner, P., Ziefle, M.: Why Consider the Human-in-the-loop in Automated Cyber-physical Production Systems? Two Cases from Cross-company Cooperation. In: International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2019). pp. 861–866. IEEE (2019).

Development and Evaluation of a Research Framework for Measuring the Reliance on Automation in Situations of Risk and Moral Dilemma

Submitted by philipp on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 10:01
Liehner, G.L., Brauner, P., Schaar, A.K., Ziefle, M.: Development and Evaluation of a Research Framework for Measuring the Reliance on Automation in Situations of Risk and Moral Dilemma. In: HCII 2020, LNCS 12199,. pp. 280–295 (2020).

What happens when Decision Support Systems fail? — The Importance of Usability on Performance in Erroneous Systems

Submitted by philipp on Sun, 08/16/2020 - 10:33
Brauner, P., Philipsen, R., Valdez, A.C., Ziefle, M., Philipsen, R.: What happens when Decision Support Systems fail? — The Importance of Usability on Performance in Erroneous Systems. Behav. Inf. Technol. 38, 1225–1242 (2019).