
LPT: How to pair a Fire TV remote with a Mac Book (and other MacOS devices)

Submitted by philipp on Sat, 04/25/2015 - 13:44

I have an Amazon Fire TV with its sleek remote control and like the simplicity of both the Fire TV and the remote. The remote control has only a few buttons and is quite easy to use with the the Fire TV’s menu, as well as with other applications, such as Kodi (formaly known as XBMC). Furthermore, the remote uses Bluetooth instead of infrared to communicate with the Fire TV. Hence, you don’t need a direct line of sight between the remote and the Fire TV.

Massive Multiplayer Bomberman

Submitted by philipp on Sat, 03/02/2013 - 13:48

Back in the days I loved to play Bomberman (some may recall it as Dynablaster)! We hooked up to four Joysticks to our good old Amiga 1000 and went right into the fight. Four players fought against each other. Every player had to clear the path for victory by by putting bombs in the paths of others. A game with at a rapid pace and very amusing.

Meet Your Type

Submitted by philipp on Sat, 01/26/2013 - 13:47

Jeder der sich ein bisschen für Typographie interessiert, fragt sich öfters, ob er die Schrift für’s Leben gefunden hat oder ob er mal mit der einen und dann mit der anderen gehen möchte.